..:: The Unusual HairColor Gallery of DyEhArDs!! ::..

The Unusual
Haircolor Site

Gallery of DyeHards

To submit your picture(s), email me at comatose1983@ yahoo.com. Please make SURE your return email address is valid, i have got a number of emails with bad (typo-ed?) addresses and bad links to photos. if you have a image to send please keep it under 75kb thx

Include your [valid] email address, haircolor used, and any other info you'd like to include.

The Gallery of Dyehards on the 'net!
Click on the image for a larger version.
FeyDmentia used Manic Panic's Wildfire and Vampire Red - mailto:GiRLyGrrL143@cs.com FeyDmentia used Special Effects Pimpin Purple - email: GiRLyGrrL143@cs.com FeyDmentia used Manic Panic's Hot Hot Pink - mailto:GiRLyGrrL143@cs.com





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